Gerhard Rambold: Vorträge, Poster...
Vorträge | ||
Microbial life on waste: fungal communities on plastic debris from dumpsites in East Africa | Gkoutselis, GM; Rambold, G | EGU General Assembly 2020, Online: 04.05.2020 - 08.05.2020 |
Managing and publishing fungal community barcoding data by use of the process-oriented schema MOD-CO and a GFBio data publication pipeline | Harjes, J; Triebel, D; Weibulat, T; Link, A; Rambold, G | 10th International Conference on Ecological Informatics, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena: 24.09.2018 - 28.09.2018 |
The Diversity Workbench – a research data management platform as part of the GFBio infrastructure | Weibulat, T; Weiss, M; Reichert, W; Sanz, V; Link, A; Rambold, G; Triebel, D | GfÖ 2014 44th annual meeting, Hildesheim: 08.09.2014 - 12.09.2014 |
Omics and meta’omics dataflows in mycology. Omics and meta’omics dataflows in mycology. | Triebel, D; Peršoh, D; Klaster, S; Rambold, G | The 10th International Mycological Congress (IMC10), Bangkok: 03.08.2014 - 08.08.2014 |
DiversityMobile as part of the Diversity Workbench platform – a data pipeline from smartphone recording up to GBIF Access | Weibulat, T; Rollinger, G; Reichert, W; Weiss, M; Neubacher, D; Volz, B; Rambold, G; Triebel, D | TDWG Biodiversity Information Standards Conference 2013 Abstract-Volume: 08.11.2013 |
Diversity Workbench – Mobilisation of high quality species occurrence data for GBIF | Triebel, D*; Weiss, M; Neubacher, D; Reichert, W; Hagedorn, G; Rambold, G | 219 BioSyst.EU 201, Vienna: 18.02.2013 - 22.02.2013 |
User interfaces for data transfer as part of the Diversity Workbench platform | Weiss, M; Triebel, D; Reichert, W; Schneider, T; Weibulat, T*; Rambold, G | Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 42: 01.01.2012 |
Diversità di licheni terricoli in relazione al clima e al suolo in ambienti desertici e semidesertici del Sudafrica e della Namibia. | Zedda, L*; Rambold, G | XXIV Convegno Nazionale della Società Lichenologica Italiana, Terni, Italien: 28.09.2011 - 30.09.2011 |
An RNA EcoChip Prototype for Analysing Functional Biodiversity of Soil Fungi | Rambold, G*; Peršoh, D; Weig, A R | 1st Annual World Congress of Microbes - 2011, Bejing/Peking: 30.07.2011 - 01.08.2011 |
Assessing fungal biodiversity using molecular methods -from nucleotide sequence data to taxa and distribution patterns | Peršoh, D; Weig, A*; Rambold, G | BioSystematics 2011, Berlin: 21.02.2011 - 27.11.2012 |
Data repositories for biodiversity and ecology research | Kehl, A*; Jablonski, S; Neubacher, D; Poschlod, P; Rambold, G; Schneider, T; Triebel, D; Volz, B; Weiss, M | 39. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Ökologie (GfÖ), Bayreuth: 14.09.2009 - 18.09.2009 |
Dataflow from the field to a data repository: small-scale distribution of plant galls as use case | Kehl, A*; Jablonski, S; Poschlod, P; Rambold, G; Volz, B; Weiss, M; Triebel, D | BayCEER Workshop 2009, Bayreuth: 02.04.2009 |
Diversity shifts and ecology of soil lichens in central Namibia | Zedda, L*; Schultz, M; Rambold, G | Gesellschaft für Ökologie (GfÖ), 37. Jahrestreffen, Marburg: 12.09.2007 - 15.09.2007 |
Gathering, maintenance and analysis of diversity and vegetation data on soil-inhabiting lichens along the BIOTA Southern Africa transect. | Zedda, L*; Weiss, M; Neubacher, D; Ingenhaag, J; Rambold, G | 6th Workshop on Vegetation Databases: 28.02.2007 - 01.03.2007 |
Diversity of soil-growing lichen communities in the quartz fields of the Knersvlakte (RSA) | Zedda, L*; Rambold, G | Gesellschaft für Ökologie (GfÖ), Halle: 08.09.2003 - 12.09.2003 |
Fungal diversity in the host lichen Letharia vulpina | Peršoh, D*; Rambold, G | 33. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Ökologie, Halle: 08.09.2003 - 12.09.2003 |
Biodiversity gradients in soil-inhabiting fungal and algal associations along the BIOTA transect in Southern Africa | Zedda, L; Büdel, B; Deutschewitz, K; Dojani, S; Feuerer, T; Görke, C; Gröngröft, A; Loris, K; Petersen, A; Oberwinkler , F; Rambold, G; Reisser, W; Salisch, M; Uhlmann, E; Weber, B; Wirth, V | 16. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie (gtö), Rostock: 19.02.2003 - 22.02.2003 |
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Linking external SQL databases and the Semantic Web: A Pipeline for dynamic web publication with stable URI identifiers for database structural information and content schemes | Triebel, D; Link, A; Hagedorn, G; Plank, A; Weiss, M; Fichtmueller, D; Weibulat, T; Rambold, G | TDWG 2016 Annual Conference, Santa Clara de San Carlos, Costa Rica: 05.12.2016 - 09.12.2016 |
Management and publication of an integrative and comprehensive scheme for meta-omics data of collection objects (MOD-CO) | Yilmaz, P; Link, A; Weibulat, T; Glöckner, F O; Triebel, D; Rambold, G | TDWG 2016 Annual Conference, Santa Clara de San Carlos, Costa Rica: 05.12.2016 - 09.12.2016 |
Ecosystem functions and ecosystem services underpinned by lichen diversity | Zedda, L; Nöske, N; Rambold, G | 1st International BION conference 2014: "Biodiversity today for tomorrow", Bonn: 17.09.2014 - 19.09.2014 |
DiversityMobile – a smartphone application for monitoring ecological and biodiversity data in the field | Weibulat, T; Rollinger, G; Reichert, W; Weiss, M; Neubacher, D; Volz, B; Rambold, G; Triebel, D | GfÖ 2014 44th annual meeting, Hildesheim (Germany): 08.09.2014 - 12.09.2014 |
The Diversity Workbench Framework: Data Retrieval with DiversityMobile and Dataflow from DiversityMobile to GBIF | Schneider, T; Jablonski, S; Rambold, G; Triebel, D; Volz, B; Weiss, M | Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) – 2009 Annual Conference, Montpellier: 09.11.2009 - 13.11.2009 |
Developing a sustainable working platform for gathering biological data in the field | Triebel, D*; Ahlmer, W; Bresinsky, A; Dürhammer, O; Jablonski, S; Kehl, A; Klotz, J; Neubacher, D; Poschlod, P; Rambold, G; Schneider, T; Volz, B; Weiss, M | International Conference on Biodiversity Informatics, London: 01.06.2009 - 03.06.2009 |
Developing a sustainable working platform for gathering biological data in the field | Triebel, D; Ahlmer, W; Bresinsky, A; Dürhammer, O; Jablonski, S; Kehl, A; Klotz, J; Poschlod, P; Rambold, G; Volz, B; Weiss, M | e-Biosphere 09 Conference, London, UK,: 01.06.2009 - 03.06.2009 |
Assessment and spatial pattern analysis of soil lichens along the BIOTA Southern Africa transect | Zedda, L*; Kong, S-M; Rambold, G | BIOTA-International Congress Biodiversity of Africa - Observation and Sustainable Management for our Future!, Spier, RSA: 29.09.2008 - 03.10.2008 |
Soil features influencing lichen diversity at BIOTA observatories of Namibia | Zedda, L*; Gröngröft, A; Petersen, A; Miehlich, G; Kong, S-M; Rambold, G | BIOTA-International Congress Biodiversity of Africa - Observation and Sustainable Management for our Future!, Spier, RSA: 29.09.2008 - 03.10.2008 |
Gathering, maintenance, analysis and web-presentation of data on lichen diversity from the BIOTA Southern Africa observatories | Zedda, L*; Neubacher, D; Köhler, T; Rambold, G | BIOTA-International Congress Biodiversity of Africa - Observation and Sustainable Management for our Future!, Spier, RSA: 29.09.2008 - 03.10.2008 |
Gathering, maintenance and analysis of data on lichen diversity in Southern Africa | Zedda, L; Weiss, M; Neubacher, D; Triebel, D*; Rambold, G | IAL 6 - ABLS Joint Meeting, Asilomar, California, Asilomar, California: 13.07.2008 - 19.07.2008 |
“LIAS light” – An Online-Identification Tool for Lichens | Heindl-Tenhunen, B; Zedda, L; Nash, TH III; Barber, A; Neubacher, D; Triebel, D*; Rambold, G | IAL 6 - ABLS Joint Meeting, Asilomar, California, Asilomar, California: 13.07.2008 - 19.07.2008 |
Diversity changes of soil-growing lichens along the BIOTA Southern Africa transect - data gathering, maintenance and analysis | Zedda, L; Neubacher, D; Rambold, G | BMBF-Statusseminar BIOLOG, Würzburg: 25.11.2005 - 27.11.2005 |
Influence of abiotic and biotic factors on the diversity of soil-growing lichens along the BIOTA Southern Africa transect | Zedda, L; Gröngröft, A; Jürgens, N; Mills, A; Petersen, U; Schmiedel, U; Rambold, G | BMBF-Statusseminar BIOLOG, Würzburg: 25.11.2005 - 27.11.2005 |
Data and knowledge management in BIOTA AFRICA: current status and perspectives | Muche, G; Lampe, K-H; Rambold, G | BMBF-Statusseminar BIOLOG, Würzburg: 25.11.2005 - 27.11.2005 |
Node specific IT architecture, Data Interoperability and Project Management | Triebel, D; Spiesberger, W; Weiss, M; Ingenhaag, J; Neubacher, D; Rambold, G | Statusseminar der BMBF-Programme GBIF-Deutschland (GBIF-D) und BIOLOG-Biodiversitätsinformatik, Bonn Bad-Godesberg, Germany: 06.12.2004 - 07.12.2004 |
DEEMY & LIAS | Agerer, R; Bungartz, F; Hagedorn, G; Ingenhaag, J; Rambold, G | Statusseminar der BMBF-Programme GBIF-Deutschland (GBIF-D) und BIOLOG-Biodiversitätsinformatik, Bonn Bad-Godesberg, Germany: 06.12.2004 - 07.12.2004 |
Combining National and International Efforts to Establish a Global List of Lichen Names | Rambold, G; Peršoh, D; Neubacher, D; Spiesberger, W | Statusseminar der BMBF-Programme GBIF-Deutschland (GBIF-D) und BIOLOG-Biodiversitätsinformatik, Bonn Bad-Godesberg, Germany: 06.12.2004 - 07.12.2004 |
The IT-Expert-Group: Activities and Goals | Kehl, A; Rambold, G | Statusseminar der BMBF-Programme GBIF-Deutschland (GBIF-D) und BIOLOG-Biodiversitätsinformatik, Bonn Bad-Godesberg, Germany: 06.12.2004 - 07.12.2004 |
LIAS – an online database system for descriptive data of Ascomycetes | Triebel, D*; Persoh, D; Nash, TH III; Zedda, L; Rambold, G | The 5th IAL Symposium - Lichen in Focus: 16.08.2004 - 21.08.2004 |
Structural optimization of the global information system LIAS | Rambold, G; Peršoh, D | Sustainable Use and Conservation of Biological Diversity, House of World Cultures, Berlin, Germany: 01.12.2003 - 04.12.2003 |
Diversity Workbench | Rambold, G; Hagedorn, G; Begerow, D; Weiss, M | Sustainable Use and Conservation of Biological Diversity, House of World Cultures, Berlin, Germany: 01.12.2003 - 04.12.2003 |
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