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Faculty for Biology, Chemistry, and Earth Sciences

Department of Mycology: Prof. em. Dr. Gerhard Rambold

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Talks and Posters

Microbial life on waste: fungal communities on plastic debris from dumpsites in East AfricaGkoutselis, GM; Rambold, GEGU General Assembly 2020, Online: 2020-05-04 - 2020-05-08
Managing and publishing fungal community barcoding data by use of the process-oriented schema MOD-CO and a GFBio data publication pipelineHarjes, J; Triebel, D; Weibulat, T; Link, A; Rambold, G10th International Conference on Ecological Informatics, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena: 2018-09-24 - 2018-09-28
The Diversity Workbench – a research data management platform as part of the GFBio infrastructureWeibulat, T; Weiss, M; Reichert, W; Sanz, V; Link, A; Rambold, G; Triebel, DGfÖ 2014 44th annual meeting, Hildesheim: 2014-09-08 - 2014-09-12
Omics and meta’omics dataflows in mycology. Omics and meta’omics dataflows in mycology.Triebel, D; Peršoh, D; Klaster, S; Rambold, GThe 10th International Mycological Congress (IMC10), Bangkok: 2014-08-03 - 2014-08-08
DiversityMobile as part of the Diversity Workbench platform – a data pipeline from smartphone recording up to GBIF AccessWeibulat, T; Rollinger, G; Reichert, W; Weiss, M; Neubacher, D; Volz, B; Rambold, G; Triebel, DTDWG Biodiversity Information Standards Conference 2013 Abstract-Volume: 2013-11-08
Diversity Workbench – Mobilisation of high quality species occurrence data for GBIFTriebel, D*; Weiss, M; Neubacher, D; Reichert, W; Hagedorn, G; Rambold, G219 BioSyst.EU 201, Vienna: 2013-02-18 - 2013-02-22
Functional diversity and ecology of litter degrading fungi (Keynote lecture)Peršoh, DInternationale Drei-Länder-Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Mykologie e.V., Drübeck: 2012-10-01 - 2012-10-03
Functional diversity of fungi in the focus of current research and future culture collectionsPeršoh, DLeibniz-Institut DSMZ-Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH, Braunschweig: 2012-05-10
Diversity of endophyllous fungi and their role of in litter decomposition – modern methods to address composition and function of complex microbial communitiesPeršoh, DWorkshop of COST Action FA1103: Endophytes in biotechnology and agriculture, Universität Reims, Frankreich: 2012-03-28 - 2012-03-30
User interfaces for data transfer as part of the Diversity Workbench platformWeiss, M; Triebel, D; Reichert, W; Schneider, T; Weibulat, T*; Rambold, GVerhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie 42: 2012-01-01
Advances in analysing mycodiversity in environmental samplesPeršoh, DLehrstuhl für Analytische Chemie der Technischen Universität München: 2011-12-16
Diversità di licheni terricoli in relazione al clima e al suolo in ambienti desertici e semidesertici del Sudafrica e della Namibia.Zedda, L*; Rambold, GXXIV Convegno Nazionale della Società Lichenologica Italiana, Terni, Italien: 2011-09-28 - 2011-09-30
An RNA EcoChip Prototype for Analysing Functional Biodiversity of Soil FungiRambold, G*; Peršoh, D; Weig, A R1st Annual World Congress of Microbes - 2011, Bejing/Peking: 2011-07-30 - 2011-08-01
Assessing fungal biodiversity using molecular methods -from nucleotide sequence data to taxa and distribution patternsPeršoh, D; Weig, A*; Rambold, GBioSystematics 2011, Berlin: 2011-02-21 - 2012-11-27
Die mitteleuropäischen Weiden: Vielfalt und ökologische BedeutungKehl, A*Jahrestagung der Deutschen Dendrologischen Gesellschaft, Winterthur (Schweiz): 2010-07-31 - 2010-08-05
Data repositories for biodiversity and ecology researchKehl, A*; Jablonski, S; Neubacher, D; Poschlod, P; Rambold, G; Schneider, T; Triebel, D; Volz, B; Weiss, M39th annual conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, Bayreuth: 2009-09-14 - 2009-09-18
Dataflow from the field to a data repository: small-scale distribution of plant galls as use caseKehl, A*; Jablonski, S; Poschlod, P; Rambold, G; Volz, B; Weiss, M; Triebel, DBayCEER Workshop 2009, Bayreuth: 2009-04-02
Gallinduzierende Blattwespen an Weiden (Salix): Gründe für die ausgeprägte WirtsspezifitätKehl, AWissenschaftliches Symposium: "30 Jahre ÖBG: Ein Garten für Forschung und Lehre", Universität Bayreuth: 2008-07-04
Diversity shifts and ecology of soil lichens in central NamibiaZedda, L*; Schultz, M; Rambold, GEcological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland (GfÖ), 37th Annual Meeting, Marburg: 2007-09-12 - 2007-09-15
Lichen-associated fungi in the Letharietum vulpinaePeršoh, DBotanical Congress 2007, Hamburg: 2007-09-03 - 2007-09-07
Gathering, maintenance and analysis of diversity and vegetation data on soil-inhabiting lichens along the BIOTA Southern Africa transect.Zedda, L*; Weiss, M; Neubacher, D; Ingenhaag, J; Rambold, G6th Workshop on Vegetation Databases: 2007-02-28 - 2007-03-01
Lichens as a habitat for fungi - a molecular surveyPeršoh, DXVII. International Botanical Congress, Wien: 2005-06-17 - 2005-07-23
Gall-inducing sawflies and their preference for single clones within their hostplant spectrumKehl, AEntomologentagung der DGaaE, Dresden, Germany: 2005-03-21 - 2005-03-24
New insights in the phylogenetic relationships of lichenized PezizomycotinaPeršoh, DThe 5th IAL Symposium - Lichens in Focus, Tartu, Estalnd: 2004-08-16 - 2004-08-21
Flechten in den Wüsten von Südafrika und NamibiaZedda, LBotanical Garden, Bayreuth: 2004-07-01
Diversity of soil-growing lichen communities in the quartz fields of the Knersvlakte (RSA)Zedda, L*; Rambold, GGerman Ecological Society (GfÖ), Halle: 2003-09-08 - 2003-09-12
Fungal diversity in the host lichen Letharia vulpinaPeršoh, D*; Rambold, G33. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Ökologie, Halle: 2003-09-08 - 2003-09-12
Water, wind and willows: Dispersal timing, germination characteristics and distribution of seedlingsKehl, A; Aas, G; Reuter, AGerman Ecological Society (GfÖ), Halle: 2003-09-08 - 2003-09-12
LIAS – A global information system for lichenized and non-lichenized AscomycetesPeršoh, D*; Triebel, DFourth biennial conference of the Systematics Association, Dublin: 2003-08-18 - 2003-08-22
Biodiversity gradients in soil-inhabiting fungal and algal associations along the BIOTA transect in Southern AfricaZedda, L; Büdel, B; Deutschewitz, K; Dojani, S; Feuerer, T; Görke, C; Gröngröft, A; Loris, K; Petersen, A; Oberwinkler , F; Rambold, G; Reisser, W; Salisch, M; Uhlmann, E; Weber, B; Wirth, V16. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Tropenökologie (gtö), Rostock: 2003-02-19 - 2003-02-22
Soil lichen communities in SW-Africa.Zedda, L*Institute of Botany, University of Graz, Graz, Austria: 2003-02-10
Lichens and their value as bioindicators of environmental changesZedda, L*Wildlife Society of Namibia and Scientific Society of Namibia, Windhoek: 2002-11-02
Character evolution in Phacopsis inferred from nrDNA sequencesPeršoh, DThe 7th International Mycological Congress IMC7, Oslo: 2002-08-11 - 2002-08-17
Epiphytic lichens as an indicator of hemeroby in Mediterranean oak forests - an example from Sardinia (Italy) -Zedda, LInternational Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS), Freising: 2001-07-29 - 2001-08-04
Development of a Hemeroby Scale for oak forests in Sardinia (Italy) based on changes in the epiphytic lichen floraZedda, LForth International Lichenological Symposium IAL 4, Barcelona, Spain, Barcelona: 2000-09-03 - 2000-09-08
Management and publication of an integrative and comprehensive scheme for meta-omics data of collection objects (MOD-CO)Yilmaz, P; Link, A; Weibulat, T; Glöckner, F O; Triebel, D; Rambold, GTDWG 2016 Annual Conference, Santa Clara de San Carlos, Costa Rica: 2016-12-05 - 2016-12-09
Linking external SQL databases and the Semantic Web: A Pipeline for dynamic web publication with stable URI identifiers for database structural information and content schemesTriebel, D; Link, A; Hagedorn, G; Plank, A; Weiss, M; Fichtmueller, D; Weibulat, T; Rambold, GTDWG 2016 Annual Conference, Santa Clara de San Carlos, Costa Rica: 2016-12-05 - 2016-12-09
Ecosystem functions and ecosystem services underpinned by lichen diversityZedda, L; Nöske, N; Rambold, G1st International BION conference 2014: "Biodiversity today for tomorrow", Bonn: 2014-09-17 - 2014-09-19
DiversityMobile – a smartphone application for monitoring ecological and biodiversity data in the fieldWeibulat, T; Rollinger, G; Reichert, W; Weiss, M; Neubacher, D; Volz, B; Rambold, G; Triebel, DGfÖ 2014 44th annual meeting, Hildesheim (Germany): 2014-09-08 - 2014-09-12
Multi-layered digitization of research-relevant > objects using focus stacking technologies and a software-controlled movable tableWerner, S; Bensch, K; Beck, A; Neubacher, D; Reichert, W; Reiß, P; Triebel, DDigital Specimen 2014, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin: 2014-09-07 - 2014-09-12
The Diversity Workbench Framework: Data Retrieval with DiversityMobile and Dataflow from DiversityMobile to GBIFSchneider, T; Jablonski, S; Rambold, G; Triebel, D; Volz, B; Weiss, MBiodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) – 2009 Annual Conference, Montpellier: 2009-11-09 - 2009-11-13
Developing a sustainable working platform for gathering biological data in the fieldTriebel, D; Ahlmer, W; Bresinsky, A; Dürhammer, O; Jablonski, S; Kehl, A; Klotz, J; Poschlod, P; Rambold, G; Volz, B; Weiss, Me-Biosphere 09 Conference, London, UK,: 2009-06-01 - 2009-06-03
Developing a sustainable working platform for gathering biological data in the fieldTriebel, D*; Ahlmer, W; Bresinsky, A; Dürhammer, O; Jablonski, S; Kehl, A; Klotz, J; Neubacher, D; Poschlod, P; Rambold, G; Schneider, T; Volz, B; Weiss, MInternational Conference on Biodiversity Informatics, London: 2009-06-01 - 2009-06-03
Effects of climatic warming on lichen populations in South African ecosystem.Maphangwa, KW; Musil, CF; Raitt, L; Zedda, LFynbos Forum, Bredasdorp, South Africa: 2009-03-08 - 2009-07-08
Gathering, maintenance, analysis and web-presentation of data on lichen diversity from the BIOTA Southern Africa observatoriesZedda, L*; Neubacher, D; Köhler, T; Rambold, GBIOTA-International Congress Biodiversity of Africa - Observation and Sustainable Management for our Future!, Spier, RSA: 2008-09-29 - 2008-10-03
Assessment and spatial pattern analysis of soil lichens along the BIOTA Southern Africa transectZedda, L*; Kong, S-M; Rambold, GBIOTA-International Congress Biodiversity of Africa - Observation and Sustainable Management for our Future!, Spier, RSA: 2008-09-29 - 2008-10-03
Soil features influencing lichen diversity at BIOTA observatories of NamibiaZedda, L*; Gröngröft, A; Petersen, A; Miehlich, G; Kong, S-M; Rambold, GBIOTA-International Congress Biodiversity of Africa - Observation and Sustainable Management for our Future!, Spier, RSA: 2008-09-29 - 2008-10-03
Patterns of biodiversity and land use impact in Soebatsfontein, a biodiversity hotspot in South Africa.Falk, T; Gröngröft, A; Herpel, N; Kunz, N; Linke, T; Petersen, A; Schmiedel, U; Vollan, B; Weber, B; Zedda, LBIOTA-International Congress Biodiversity of Africa - Observation and Sustainable Management for our Future!, Spier, RSA: 2008-09-29 - 2008-10-03
“LIAS light” – An Online-Identification Tool for LichensHeindl-Tenhunen, B; Zedda, L; Nash, TH III; Barber, A; Neubacher, D; Triebel, D*; Rambold, GIAL 6 - ABLS Joint Meeting, Asilomar, California, Asilomar, California: 2008-07-13 - 2008-07-19
Gathering, maintenance and analysis of data on lichen diversity in Southern AfricaZedda, L; Weiss, M; Neubacher, D; Triebel, D*; Rambold, GIAL 6 - ABLS Joint Meeting, Asilomar, California, Asilomar, California: 2008-07-13 - 2008-07-19
Host selectivity of gall-inducing sawflies: signal effects or resource limitation? Kehl, AMultitrophic Interactions, Göttingen: 2008-03-06 - 2008-03-07
Data and knowledge management in BIOTA AFRICA: current status and perspectivesMuche, G; Lampe, K-H; Rambold, GBMBF-Statusseminar BIOLOG, Würzburg: 2005-11-25 - 2005-11-27
Influence of abiotic and biotic factors on the diversity of soil-growing lichens along the BIOTA Southern Africa transectZedda, L; Gröngröft, A; Jürgens, N; Mills, A; Petersen, U; Schmiedel, U; Rambold, GBMBF-Statusseminar BIOLOG, Würzburg: 2005-11-25 - 2005-11-27
Diversity changes of soil-growing lichens along the BIOTA Southern Africa transect - data gathering, maintenance and analysisZedda, L; Neubacher, D; Rambold, GBMBF-Statusseminar BIOLOG, Würzburg: 2005-11-25 - 2005-11-27
Terricolous Buellia species in Southern AfricaGrube, U*; Zedda, L; Blaha, J; Mayrhofer, HXVII. International Botanical Congress, Wien: 2005-06-17 - 2005-07-23
Fungal diversity in Calluna vulgaris (L.) HullPietrowski, A; Peršoh, DXVII. International Botanical Congress, Wien: 2005-06-17 - 2005-07-23
DEEMY & LIASAgerer, R; Bungartz, F; Hagedorn, G; Ingenhaag, J; Rambold, GStatusseminar der BMBF-Programme GBIF-Deutschland (GBIF-D) und BIOLOG-Biodiversitätsinformatik, Bonn Bad-Godesberg, Germany: 2004-12-06 - 2004-12-07
The IT-Expert-Group: Activities and GoalsKehl, A; Rambold, GStatusseminar der BMBF-Programme GBIF-Deutschland (GBIF-D) und BIOLOG-Biodiversitätsinformatik, Bonn Bad-Godesberg, Germany: 2004-12-06 - 2004-12-07
Combining National and International Efforts to Establish a Global List of Lichen NamesRambold, G; Peršoh, D; Neubacher, D; Spiesberger, WStatusseminar der BMBF-Programme GBIF-Deutschland (GBIF-D) und BIOLOG-Biodiversitätsinformatik, Bonn Bad-Godesberg, Germany: 2004-12-06 - 2004-12-07
Node specific IT architecture, Data Interoperability and Project ManagementTriebel, D; Spiesberger, W; Weiss, M; Ingenhaag, J; Neubacher, D; Rambold, GStatusseminar der BMBF-Programme GBIF-Deutschland (GBIF-D) und BIOLOG-Biodiversitätsinformatik, Bonn Bad-Godesberg, Germany: 2004-12-06 - 2004-12-07
LIAS – an online database system for descriptive data of AscomycetesTriebel, D*; Persoh, D; Nash, TH III; Zedda, L; Rambold, GThe 5th IAL Symposium - Lichen in Focus: 2004-08-16 - 2004-08-21
Diversity WorkbenchRambold, G; Hagedorn, G; Begerow, D; Weiss, MSustainable Use and Conservation of Biological Diversity, House of World Cultures, Berlin, Germany: 2003-12-01 - 2003-12-04
Structural optimization of the global information system LIASRambold, G; Peršoh, DSustainable Use and Conservation of Biological Diversity, House of World Cultures, Berlin, Germany: 2003-12-01 - 2003-12-04

* denotes presenting person
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